商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:gold06.qy6.com 供应GD-3536-1闪点测试仪_张艳
联系人:Tina Chen 女士 (销售代表)
电 话:0086-23-62984892
手 机:15123029885




    Main Technical Specifications:

Power supply: AC(220+/-10%)V,50Hz.

Heating device: Electric furnace heating,no naked fire,explosion prevented.The power is adjustable from 0W to 600W. The max heating temperature can reach 400C.

Temperature control: Single chip microcomputer.The heating rate can meet requirements of standards GB/T 3536-2008 and ASTM D9

Temperature display: LCD screen shows temperature parameters. The range is 0C~400C,accuracy is 0.1C.

Flash point detecting device: scanning the flash point automatically.

Temperature sensor: RTD,PT100

Igniting device: (1) Ignition source: coal gas (or civil gas,the same below)

(2) Flame diameter is 2mm~8mm

Ambient temperature: (-10~50)C

Relative humidity: <=85%

Maximum power consumption: 650W

Dimension: 340mm*320mm*450mm (Temperature sensor is included)

Tina Chen 女士 (销售代表)  
电  话: 0086-23-62984892
传  真: 0086-23-62940030
移动电话: 15123029885
公司地址: 中国重庆南岸区南坪金台9-10
邮  编: 400060
公司主页: http://gold06.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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张艳 公司地址:中国重庆南岸区南坪金台9-10
Tina Chen 女士 (销售代表) 电话:0086-23-62984892 传真:0086-23-62940030
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